
Vista general del lugar

Comprar: €119K - €4.55M
En venta con FazWaz.es: 154 propiedades
Alquilar: €0 - €0
En Alquiler con FazWaz.es: 0 propiedad
A Dubai International Airport: 16.1 km / 19 minutoutos en coche

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Últimas reseñas de proyectos en Mirdif

Nasayem Avenue Apartments
affordable combines with conveinent living in dubai
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i have been working and living in dubai for a very long time and looking to move to dubai permentantly. dubai offer great and affordable housing such as in nasayem avenue apartments. a 1-bedroom apartment with great value of money. and when i am away from dubai i can even put it out for rent as the apartment is close by to dubai internatioanl airport as well. the 1-bedroom apartment is off-white spacious, beautiful, and just very comfortable. with lots of amenities and lots of conveience stores in the region too. additionally nasaymen avenue apartment is not far from work places as well.
Patty Peterson
  • hace 2 años
1 reseña
Janayen Avenue
the great modern apartment in mirdif hills
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hey guys, i have come up with my experience on living at the janayen avenue. first of all, the location is quite far from the business hub or urban district. it will probably take about 30 minutes to travel to the downtown area with normal traffic condition. somehow, the dubai international airport requires just a short-driving distance. my 1-bedroom apartment is nice, but not that large compared to other buildings in the city area. the advantage is that my room has floor-to-ceiling windows which have the direct sunlight and great garden view. i recommend this place for someone who want to life far away from the city, but still want to stay around dubai.
Đoàn Kiên Liêm
  • hace 3 años
1 reseña
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